TOCCATA : définition du mot 'toccata' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Définition du mot "toccata" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 16/07/2014

1 - toccata - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

music : a piece of music for the piano or a similar instrument that is played very quickly. Full Definition of TOCCATA. : a musical composition usually for organ or  ...

2 - toccata - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Toccata (from Italian toccare, "to touch") is a virtuoso piece of music typically for a keyboard or plucked string instrument featuring fast-moving, lightly fingered or ...

3 - toccata : définition du dictionnaire - linternaute

a composition in free style for the organ, piano, etc., generally characterized by the use of full chords and running passages and often used as the prelude of a ...

4 - toccata : définition du dictionnaire - linternaute

toccata, musical form for keyboard instruments, written in a free style that is characterized by full chords, rapid runs, high harmonies, and other virtuoso elements ...