TUPINAMBIS : définition du mot 'tupinambis' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "tupinambis" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 19/09/2013

1 - tupinambis teguixin ? dictionary definition of tupinambis teguixin ...

Synonym, Tupinambis palustris MANZANI & ABE 2002 ... everted hemipenis shallowly forked with a well defined groove and two large petalas on each crown  ...

2 - tupinambis teguixin ? dictionary definition of tupinambis teguixin ...

common or black tegu, Tupinambis teguixin, was first ... Tupinambis nigropunctatus, which is no longer ... ature gradient, meaning that one end of the cage is ...

3 - tupinambis palustris | the reptile database

Aug 15, 2009 ... Here we use a large teiid lizard, Tupinambis merianae, as a model system .... Finally, two landmarks, defined by the intersection of a line drawn ...

4 - tupinambis palustris | the reptile database

tegu n. A large swift teiid lizard (Tupinambis nigropunctatus) of Colombia and Brazil, having yellow spots and stripes over a bluish-black body.

5 - Genus tupinambis, the tegus - reptilia

Definition of tupiks in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of tupiks. Pronunciation of tupiks. Translations of ... Tupinambis · Tupman · Tupolev · tuppence · tuppenny.

6 - Genus tupinambis, the tegus - reptilia

A tegu is a large lizard of the genus Tupinambis, which belongs to the family ... tegus are mostly carnivorous or insectivorous, meaning that they eat meat or ...