VINETTE : définition du mot 'vinette' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 10/04/2012

1 - vignette

vignette n 1: a brief literary description [syn: sketch] 2: a photograph whose edges shade off gradually 3: a small illustrative sketch (as sometimes.

2 - vignette

A decorative design placed at the beginning or end of a book or chapter of a book or along the border of a page. 2. An unbordered picture, often a portrait, that ...

3 - vignette - definition of vignette by the free online dictionary ...

vignette n. A decorative design placed at the beginning or ...

4 - vignette - definition of vignette by the free online dictionary ...

a running ornament (as of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) put on or just before a title page or at the beginning or end of a chapter; also : a small decorative ...

5 - vignette: definition from

Vinette definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!

6 - vignette: definition from

In theatrical script writing, sketch stories, and poetry, a vignette is a short impressionistic scene that focuses on one moment or gives a trenchant impression ...

7 - vignette - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

épine-vinette définition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'épines-vinettes',' vinette','épine','épiner', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme, ...

8 - vignette - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

épine-vinette, définition du mot épine-vinette dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Arbrisseau à fleurs jaunes...