VIVANT : définition du mot 'vivant' dans le dictionnaire français -


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dernière mise à jour le 15/11/2013

1 - Bon vivant - definition of bon vivant by the free online dictionary ...

n. pl. bons vi·vants (bô v -vä ). A person with refined taste, especially one who enjoys superb food and drink. [French : bon, good + vivant, present participle of ...

2 - Bon vivant - definition of bon vivant by the free online dictionary ...

n. pl. tab·leaux vi·vants (t -bl v -vä ). A scene presented on stage by costumed actors who remain silent and motionless as if in a picture.

3 - Tableau vivant - definition of tableau vivant by the free online ...

bon vi·vant. noun \?bän-v?-?vänt, ?b??-v?-?vä?\. : a person who likes going to parties and other social occasions and who enjoys good food, wine, etc.

4 - Tableau vivant - definition of tableau vivant by the free online ...

vivant, définition et synonymes du mot vivant dans le dictionnaire. Définition : Ce qui est en...

5 - Bon vivant - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

bon vivant noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for bon vivant noun: a person who enjoys good food and wines and likes going to ...

6 - Bon vivant - definition and more from the free merriam-webster ...

Qui est plein de vie, d'élan, de dynamisme : Un enfant vivant. ... Qui est fait d'êtres animés, et en particulier de personnes : Les soldats formaient un mur vivant.

7 - vivant : définition et synonymes du mot vivant dans le dictionnaire

The phrase is derived from the French bon vivant, meaning good living, a bon viveur being a "good liver", or one who lives well. The phrase is not derogatory but ...

8 - vivant : définition et synonymes du mot vivant dans le dictionnaire

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary ... Borrowing from French bon vivant (literally ?one who lives well, good 'liver' (living person)?), from bon (?good?) + ...