VIZIR : définition du mot 'vizir' dans le dictionnaire français -


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Voir les mots dérivés de vizir.

Définition de "vizir"

Académie française, 8ème édition

Définition 1 :
Ministre d'un prince musulman. Grand vizir, Premier ministre du sultan de l'empire ottoman.


Définition 1 :
Ministre d’un prince musulman. Grand vizir, Premier ministre du sultan de l’empire ottoman.

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Définition du mot "vizir" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 02/12/2014

1 - Vizir | define vizir at

Vizir definition, (formerly) a high official in certain Muslim countries and caliphates, especially a minister of state. See more.

2 - Vizir | define vizir at

Definition of Vizir in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Vizir. Pronunciation of Vizir . Translations of Vizir. Vizir synonyms, Vizir antonyms. Information about Vizir in ...

3 - vizir - definition of vizir by the free dictionary

On the other hand, the presence of a Middle Persian word viz?r or vic?r (meaning .... while the former is typical of usage in the Mashriq (broadly defined, including ...

4 - vizir - definition of vizir by the free dictionary

Le mot arabe vizir (???? en arabe et en persan, parfois transcrit en vizir, vazir, wasîr, wesir ou encore wezir), désigne un fonctionnaire de haut rang, ayant un ...