VOLTAGES : définition du mot 'voltages' dans le dictionnaire français - CocoLeDico.com


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Définition du mot "voltages" (autres sites)

dernière mise à jour le 15/11/2013

1 - voltages - definition of voltages by the free online dictionary ...

Electromotive force or potential difference, usually expressed in volts. voltage [ ?v??lt?d?]. n. (Physics / General Physics) an electromotive force or potential ...

2 - voltages - definition of voltages by the free online dictionary ...

Definition: Voltage is a representation of the electric potential energy per unit charge. If a unit of electrical charge were placed in a location, the voltage indicates ...

3 - voltage - definition of voltage by the free online dictionary ...

Voltage, also called electromotive force, is a quantitative expression of the potential difference in electrical charge between two points in an electrical field.

4 - voltage - definition of voltage by the free online dictionary ...

Nov 4, 2011 ... the force of an electrical current that is measured in volts. Full Definition of VOLTAGE. 1. : electric potential or potential difference expressed in ...

5 - voltage - definition of voltage - physics - about.com

(See also Contact Voltage). Note: ?Conductive surfaces? as used in this definition are intended to include the earth and/or extensions of the earth such as ...

6 - voltage - definition of voltage - physics - about.com

Voltage definition, electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts. See more.